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Showing how a Creative Career has developed, using Graphic Design

Being a multi-disciplined digital creative, now firmly focused on 3D design and VFX, I wanted a neat way to show;

  • how my career has developed
  • the foundational structure of my skill set

At university I studied Graphic Design, Photography, and Film. My subsequent professional career began;

  • preparing artwork for print (Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator)
  • vector animation work (Macromedia Flash)
  • designing / building for the web (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  • filming and timelapse
  • 3D design and visual effects

I wanted to highlight some distinct and interesting relationships between disciplines and how they ultimately led to further skills.

For example, foundations in graphic design and photography enabled deep composition and colour knowledge which flowed into higher levels of creative work such as capturing moving imagery, controlling light, colour, and animation.

Creating a fun little widget

The aim with this small project was to convey all of this info in a simple and succinct graphical manner.

After some development I came up with a little stack of blocks which I feel perfectly encapsulates this flow.

I’ve enhanced the visualisation with simple animation to allude to the foundational and temporal aspect, i.e, building upon and flowing over time.

I embarked on building a new tabbed widget which houses the existing Services carousel, the Foundations infographic, and also a Tools section showing the main software I use daily.

The obvious place to integrate this was my About page where you can see the widget now.

This widget saved space / clutter and also adds something fun to toy with. I feel interactivity and discovery are important to consider when designing an informative website with user experience at the fore.